I hear people coming up with a Question of watching television is good or bad or which programs can I watch? It’s been a long time desire for me to answer this Question to myself, since we come across this Question as we counsel many people. So on meditating for a Quiet few days i got this revelation which i would like to share with. Since we are in one body, when a particular part suffer in our body it affects all.so i was asking god how I could answer this Question. Let me share my views which god urged me to write…
- Jesus did not come to world to educate us about good and evil, he came to save the lost souls, thereby saving them from evil which means to give life. John3:17 ( For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him)
- Once we get life, we would not walk anymore in darkness than in light. (Math 6:22 john12:35.36)
The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are good, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eyes are bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light within you is darkness, how great is that darkness
- Once we get saved and started walking with god, an indwelling of Holy Spirit experience we would be known through the spirit which one is bad& good, Evil & life. Galatians 5:18 (
First Question
: watching television would cause us to lust?
It’s a childish Question to a father
- How far I can stand near to the platform to save myself when the train is approaching in swift?
If you have such type of Question then; you might be skeptical, Prejudice or You are not willing to leave anything for god rather trying to accommodate yourself to stay holy in your own set of principles.
Have already set on your mind not to leave anything for god even if it doesn’t please HIM
Television has become a necessary part of human beings in their life, since they got used to it. We are in a situation that we can’t live without television which is not true on Christendom. However the true fact is, media will drag you to lusts not only in watching movies, ads, money, marketing, etc. …the list goes on. There are many lustful things running on television which could pass on while you change channel among the good programs you are watching, even if you skip channels being aware it would cause to sin or lust after
things of materials, eventually you would end up in slave to sin, since we can overcome sin only by spirit as we read in romans 8:13 if by the Spirit you are putting to death the deeds of the body, you will live. If you have faith you can move mountains at the same time we should also be wise enough in taking choice to flee away from sin as joseph did from king’s wife. It’s not only about television, there are many source causes us to sin and the sins are closer to us (Heb12:1). let us also lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us.
We misunderstood Holy Spirit helping in human life that he would help us to protect us from evil if we desire for holiness, ofcourse its true but god can help you only if we step on faith and move on away from sin. Faith will make god to move.
If god can move us like robot he could have saved the whole world, but the choice is given in our hands, if you want to know the choice please visit my Facebook link on the topic "PREDESTINATION"
He would exhort you to flee from sin
So only if we run away from sin we could save our holiness
"We could not prevent birds flying over our head, but from making nest on our head"
It’s about how I could
Run away from Sin - I corin6:18
Run away from sin as Joseph did - Genesis 39:12.
Keep your thoughts pure I timothy 6: 11
Bottom Line: FLEE AWAY
So rather than asking GOD
how can I stay holy by doing this? Ask god what should I do to stay holy?
My sheep hear my voice.You are already clean because of the word I have spoken - john15:3
Shielded in his Vision
Soul Turn Ministries.
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