Monday, April 27, 2020

The Unconditional Love

The chapter John 21 talks about the third visit of Jesus to His disciples after His resurrection. Peter and other disciples were seen spending time in the sea shore and peter takes the other disciples along with him to catch fish. (v. 3). They tried the whole night but couldn't catch any. In the morning Jesus was standing on the shore, but they didn't recognize Him. He asks them, have you caught anything to eat? and they said, No!

Then Jesus asks the disciples to cast their net on the right side of the boat. They did as He said, and it was such a big catch, that they were not able to haul it. Seeing this John realizes that He is the Lord and tells peter that it is indeed Jesus. Immediately peter finding himself without cloth, wears his upper garment and dives into the sea to meet Jesus by swimming as they were approaching closer to the shore. While the other disciples were still trying hard to haul the catch and bring it to the shore.

Two kinds of people are seen here, one is peter and the other disciples. Peter love towards Jesus, was evident in Gethsemane garden when he cuts the soldier ear, as the soldier tried to arrest Jesus. So as soon as he realizes it is Jesus, he covers himself and jumps into the sea to meet Him before others. But the rest of the disciples brought all the fishes they caught after much struggle of hauling yet the leader left them in the boat and rushed towards Jesus. 
Some people are like peter, who loves Jesus but doesn't love Him unconditionally, enough to obey His command, but would like stay in His presence and Glorify Him. Jesus's command is to catch some fish to eat, the other disciples also found out that He is Jesus, but still they finished the job Jesus gave them by bringing the net to the shore, if they all had followed peter, the job wouldn't have been done. It is not good to be alone in His presence, without obeying Him. Yes, being in His presence every day makes us happy and will spiritually enrich us. But obeying His command of catching fish(people) is what makes Him happy. In the end the disciples were able to have breakfast with Him! What a glory and honor for them to share the fish and bread with Jesus. This is the reward we would get for obeying Him unconditionally.

Probably that is why Jesus kept asking peter three times if he loves Him unconditionally(v. 15,16,17)  but peter kept saying that he loves Him with a brotherly/friendly love. No disciples were perfect, everyone had their flaws but in the end everyone finished their jobs given to them and died as martyrs, what a privilege! Even though peter didn't love Jesus like He would have liked, still He gave peter a big responsibility, to Shepard His sheep. Unconditional love is what Jesus wants from us, no matter what come across we have to continue to finish the job given to us. Yes, being in His presence, worshiping Him and glorifying Him is good, but its only good for us. God expects more from us. More unconditional love, more of action from us. So Lets catch some fish.

in HIM
Derickson Timothy

Monday, April 20, 2020

10 Reasons i Like to work in IT company

  1. All employees are treated with respect  ( other sectors – disrespect based on levels)
  2. Have freedom of speech ( employees can share their opinions, suggestions, whilst the decision are taken by Management – Other sectors don’t)
  3. Can work from Home ( location doesn’t matter – if you have internet, can work even from farm house)
  4. Can address people by their names ( without losing respect )
  5. Centralized Air conditioned for all employees
  6. Individual computer/Laptop ( By Default mostly)
  7. Leaves can be availed without hampering the work ( colleagues are there to take care – Team work)
  8. Can travel abroad & possibly can get settled in other countries
  9. Decent Salary
  10. Insurance for family ( Default package)

Sunday, April 19, 2020


Principal Theme :     A call to covenant faithfulness


1. Moses Open Speech
     a. Moses summarizes the older generation story
2. Moses retold the Law and emphasis on hearing & obeying
     a. Civil Laws & Social Justice
     b. To love & serve the God alone
     c. The promises & covenant
     d. Renewal of covenant fellowship
3. Moses Final speech & Warning
     a. Poem of curse
     b. Poem of blessings
     c. Prophecy of future rebellious Israelites
4.  Moses death
     a. Moses was buried by God
Joshua anointed to take the Moses role


Principal Theme

       * Israelite's rebellion in wilderness
       * Gods Judgment &
uCensus of Israelites
uLaws of Ritual purity
uComplaints of Israelites
uMiriam & Aaron opposes Moses
uSpies explore the promise land.
uMany feared of inheriting land
uOnly Joshua & Caleb trusted
uRebellion of Korah & Kohath
uIsraelites disobedience
uDeath of Israelites by Serpent
uBronze Serpent for healing
uMoab & Balaam
uPlan of Moab to destroy Israelites
uDonkey speaks
uBalaam blessings and prophecy about future Israel

uVictory over Enemies
uEntry of Canaan
uCensus of new generation
uNone of the Israelites entered Canaan
uOnly their sons entered the Canaan
uJoshua & Caleb alone entered from older generation

Monday, April 6, 2020


 The pantheistic and theist groups claim a godly language to speak or communicate with God.  But to our logical mind it is more convincing to accept that there is no need of a specific language to communicate with GOD. The question of godly language self-destructs because it is GOD alone who is all powerful, Almighty, omnipotent & omniscience can truly understand all language. It is irrelevant to claim that god needs a heavenly language to make him understand. so, claiming godly language from any religion simply stands nullified both the language and GOD.

Early pope considered translating the BIBLE as a blasphemy because of their pride and complacency. The scriptures were available only at pope’s kingdom and not circulated to anyone. When martin Luther read and understood the word of GOD, he started translating the bible in local vernacular which spread like a fire and made every people to read in their local language. Martin nailed 95 theses about these restrictions and salvation of GOD to everyone.

The LORD spoke to Moses face to face, as a man speaks to his friend. Exodus 33:11

Truly our GOD Is an awesome and almighty GOD who loves to hear every dialect and understands our prayer in our mother tongues.

History of Dialects:

Genesis 11-1 - Now the whole earth had one language and one speech. And it came to pass, as they journeyed from the east, that they found a plain in the land of Shinar, and they dwelt there. 3 Then they said to one another, “Come, let us make bricks and bake them thoroughly.” They had brick for stone, and they had asphalt for mortar. 4 And they said, “Come, let us build ourselves a city, and a tower whose top is in the heavens; let us make a name for ourselves, lest we be scattered abroad over the face of the whole earth.”
5 But the Lord came down to see the city and the tower which the sons of men had built. 6 And the Lord said, “Indeed the people are one and they all have one language, and this is what they begin to do; now nothing that they propose to do will be withheld from them. 7 Come, let Us go down and there confuse their language, that they may not understand one another’s speech.” 8 So the Lord scattered them abroad from there over the face of all the earth, and they ceased building the city. 9 Therefore its name is called [c]Babel, because there the Lord confused the language of all the earth; and from there the Lord scattered them abroad over the face of all the earth.