Thursday, October 26, 2017

Abortion a SIN??

I was really moved by Holy Spirit to pen down this article of abortion and as you read God will help unfold the truth through scriptures in the whole context of bible. It is widely accepted that Rape is SIN or the modern world call it as wrong.   SEX is considered to be the holy gift of GOD given to mankind. Having sex outside marriage is fornication and it is not approved by GOD whilst some country approves it legally when both partners have the mutual understanding. However am not going to write about the right and wrong which is a separate topic.

It is imperative to know that - No one can get conceived unless god opens the womb of women. In the Old Testament we see Abraham wife Sarah, Isaac wife Rebecca & Hannah all these characters were barren for many years as GOD has closed their womb. In those days it was considered to be a curse if women do not give birth to a child and they were treated miserably in the society. Even so if you look back 10 years before in Tamilnadu people treated them badly ,disrespectful and they were withheld in taking part of any of the good ceremony or rituals happening in society and families. Also still there are many places in India which practice these cultures of looking the barren woman as bad.

I corin 7:4 say The wife does not have authority over her own body but the husband does, likewise the husband does not have authority over his own body but the wife does. Even so we are the promised generation considered to be the bride to our Lord Jesus Christ. As Christ is the head of family and we are the body of Christ - I cor11:3, husband is the head of the wife, as Christ is the head of church and he is the savior of the body, so we have no rights to defile our body.  We are made for him - I cor 8:6b.  I hear people say that it is not wrong as long as you don’t hurt others, meaning you can make your own choices or defile your own body or for elsewhere situation Which is why we cannot violate or defile our own body as we do not have rights to do it.

But when you get conceived after marriage then the first thing you need to understand is, it is GOD's will and gift. But if you do not want to continue with the conceived baby and going for abortion is considered to be rejecting the gift of god. A woman cannot get conceived without the will of GOD unless he closed her womb. People perhaps go for aborting the child for various reasons as depicted in the pic here à

 If Marry would have thought of rejecting Jesus Christ in her womb, this world wouldn't have seen a Savior. By willfully letting her, to the will of god completely and whole heartedly or by her choice the world has seen the Savior Lord. Who knows that your baby in future may become a greatest leader/missionary/servant of God doing god’s work and saving many souls from hell? No one knows whether a woman will get conceived right after SEX, it is upon GODS own will to give this gift to whomever he ordains and pleased. So dear Husbands & Wives never go for abortion but surrender to gods will. So Be Faithful and do not worry about tomorrow, He can make a way in the desert and bring abundant streams of water in the barren land. The one who brought you into this world and lead unto this day will continue to lead you holy and faithfully eternally.

HE Died and Rose again for your sins, transgression, iniquities to save you from this sinful world to eternal heavenly life.  God Bless
Note: There are millions of people who are longing for a child !
- In HIM

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Physical to Virtual Church:

P2V migrationIf you are an IT engineer or from a computer background then you would certainly know that present IT is moving all its technology to Cloud storage or computing. By use of this technology you may access your data from any part of the world seamlessly. One would not be able to see the data residing location but you could get benefited by accessing it through virtualization. Not only that using virtual machines would help reduce cost and improved efficiency of performance. But what connection does it has with spirituality.

As soon as we think of data, our mind dictates with numbers and alphabets or group of alphabets which forms a sentence/word which in turn referred to be as Data.  The first letter was written by our lord and stored for future reference study which is to obey & follow. Whence the writing began from Clay tablets, basalt slat, papyrus, dried leaves, Palm leaves, leather, and Paper types and eventually emerged to computer system which is basically termed as Virtual.

From medieval period to present generation our world has seen several changes in culture, religion, arts, science, medicine and technology.  The change of shift didn’t happen in one giant step but was a slow evolving progress and eventually landed up either in good or bad shape depending on the first choice made by a group or by an individual. If a person is highly influenced or a rhetoric person then his thoughts and actions are tend to influence others life virtue thus leading to destruction of society and culture which is much obscured to notice upon.

Due to this slow progress shift, it is hard for anyone to change back to the old pattern of living whilst we find the inception flaw. We’ve been carried through our ways of living by the relationship we have with. An old adage says that “Tell me your friend – I will tell you who you are”. But how could one get closer to the lord, or have an intimate relationship with God. 
We read in Malachi chapter -But did He not make them one,
Having a remnant of the Spirit?
And why one?
He seeks godly offspring.
Therefore take heed to your spirit,

The lord made one human being in this world –why? - He could have created billions of souls or even infinite human beings but he wanted to have a holy generation through one man followed with generations after generation and it also equates to have fellowship with every individual, he is a personal GOD who seeks personal intimate relationship with everyone in this world. You can get into relationship by reading and meditating upon the word of god and through prayer as well. But not only that every god’s word is equally referenced to be his flesh or body. As we read in revelation 19 chapters - He was clothed with a robe dipped in blood, and His name is called The Word of God. We don’t stop from here, in order for us to have a good fellowship we need to have a good fellowship with our fellow beings, brotherhood , sisterhood and that’s why he made the church for us to come together and worship his holy name and to have a dialogue both horizontally and vertically. Horizontal is equated to our fellowship in our church and elsewhere and vertically is equated to every individual and  our Lord Saviour Jesus Christ which forms a cross.

But the current Christendom changes the gathering, fellowship virtually. We have
migrated from physical to Virtual world through internet. One should know where to draw a line of resistance and exercise the technology and our limitations. Most people do not go to church nowadays and have a fellowship over the internet, meaning we have started playing the role of god defining what is good and bad or right and wrong, but failed to understand the god’s statues. I see this as a greatest cultural shift, jeopardizing our spiritual life and robbing our souls through the technology. We are living in one of the most counterfeit culture and deceiving times. Let’s get on our knees and understand the word of god.  Walk into church on every Sunday or for any gathering at any time you could, unless you are impotent or locked in a situation where you think or discern it is ordained by God.

For a day in your courts is better than a thousand. I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God.

Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.

No whatsapp, Facebook, YouTube or online streaming would help build a healthy relationship or fellowship rather by physical means.

Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:

Please pray for the migration sweep happening from Physical to Virtual – Amen.

Ref : Psalms 84:10, Heb 10:25, Malachi 2:15 & Mat 7:13

in HIM

Friday, August 18, 2017

What is mean to be Human?

Often you may come across or heard people saying be a Human or expressing their inward outcry by saying isn't there a humanity among people when witnessed the evil happenings in society.  it is postulated by folks that human is considered to be the sacred of all living beings but was never given a thought of what is meant to be a Human. Who can show the best example of human or the role model to point? In other words who has witnessed that person in this world and found to be the impeccable human being without flaws. If asked a generic question to people who is your role model, people may say SachinTendulkar,  or any famous celebrity from cinema industry, Politics, entrepreneur's etc..

 But folks has  failed to understand or think of the human benevolence. With my little understanding I hardly see a person who was praised and recognized by the society for the benevolence act in the society  besides Annai Theresa. Our country and world has recognized her work for the poorest of the poor and the sacrifice she made. No Christians was hardly recognized in this society after her, whilst there were many people who are living a sacrificial life which is camouflaged in this society. Graham steins came all the way from his comfort home land and burnt alive in orissa but none came or come forward to raise voice against the evil doers nor the society protested or demands the government for justice. But when nirbhaya was raped in delhi in the moving bus at midnight,  it caught the attention of whole country and  protest was heavily made demanding for justice at 2012 and the scars are left in society hearts till now.

I always wondered why there are only some death cases given the utmost priority and others are not. Who decides the sensitivity and priority, does the importance is given by the nature of death a victim may fall upon? If so how the types of death are classified.. If one is persecuted and tortured to death then is it considered to be the highest value in society. If that is so, aren’t we invoking a moral law in ones mind and heart which differentiate between good and bad/evil. Then it calls for a questioning what is good and what is bad/evil.  The good and bad needs to be differentiated by the basis of moral law, when we say moral law then we posit a moral law giver which is none other than the absolutes source one can end up.  And the moral law giver should have  no beginning or end which is none other than Jesus Christ.

If one needs to find a perfect Human being in this world then it is the lord our saviour Jesus christ who gave himself as a ransom for our sins to redeem us. Romans 3:10 says there is none righteous , no not one, there is none who understands;… There is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved. Acts4:12. if you want to understand what is meant to be human then the perfect example stands is Jesus Christ. Read the bible before you preconceive something and draw to a judgment . Oh taste and see that the lord is good !

99 Fools & 1 Wise Man

This generation likes quantity and not the quality, likes the temporary solution and not the permanent, likes the appearance and not the virtue, wanted to be rich and never longs for peaceful life etc.. We fail to understand the consequences of every choice we make. The ripple effect of the choices will terribly exploit our future generation.  It is not suffice for one person to be honest and wise but need to bring all those into our shadow by preaching/educating them through awareness. That’s why Jesus said; go preach to all nations about the gospel which is good news. What is good news that’s the question and how to preach? There are many ways people would get influenced in this society, the current trend is media and entertainment has heavily possessed the thoughts and minds of the people, not allowing them to think outside the specific context.

Seeing and hearing are the highest impact source of medium, one can choose to exhort people through writings, personal dialogue or through conventional meetings  but the current post modernism world do not want to be exhorted, so it is good to lead them into the right direction or to the truth by living a model life of goodness. Here comes the next question what is goodness and who define it? The present world is a very counterfeit culture and everyone has the rights to comment. If you see the social medias are inundated with lots of information. So you could see piles of information inflation through the social media and entertainment and other various forms where people are loaded with tons of information on every field not knowing the foundation or the beginning of the subject. But they tend to talk and advise people one another through the accumulation of knowledge. This shows the lack of wisdom where they invoke knowledge or apply knowledge in wrong areas and timings. Time and again it was proved that wisdom is the one which will guide where to apply and invoke the knowledge. Nowadays people are knowledgeable but heavily lack wisdom and thus jeopardizing the society.

If you see through the magnifying glass to read the every thoughts of people,  it would unfolds they do not have the subject knowledge but their understanding are based on blind faith. For example a person living in a urban area will comment about the NASA scientist that he is wrong and doesn’t know anything. The present culture does not give the permission of the author of a book to interpret but take it for their own rights to interpret and understand.

A scoffer seeks wisdom and does not find it, but knowledge is easy to him who understands. Go from the presence of a foolish man, when you do not perceive in him the lips of knowledge. The wisdom of the prudent is to understand his way but the folly of fools is deceit.

Isn't it imperative to know that we live in a world where the majority chose the broader way and fewer choose the narrow way as said by Jesus Christ? The earth and sky will be passing away but his words will never. What if there are 99 fools and 1 wise man living in a city, wouldn’t that city call him as a fool of the fools .so it is the need of the hour to understand the differentiation of fool & Wise, Knowledge & Wisdom and how are it is being measured? Only when we are on the side of dependency of truth we tend to speak right else distractions are there to deviate and get deceived.

 It’s time to ponder on the truth ?

You shall know the Truth and the truth shall set you free!! - Jesus Christ.

Ref: Prov14:6-9

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Justice and Moral Rights

Off late people were running under shock and thrown into chaos on the sudden announcement of banning the Indian currency notes for ceasing the Black money and corruption. It was told that this movement was enlisted as a surgical Demonetization. But how do the country and other nation see this Ban? Majority of the Indians and other nations waved a positive signal in favour of the government.

It’s been said that the RBI revenue has significantly increased to 33,000 crores in a week time. And also it would help prevent the stalled money from drug dealers, landlords, exorbitant interest lenders and terrorist. Expert opinions are studied, analysed and implemented according to the reporters, however also some sources say that there is an inefficient back out plan imposed and people had to run back to their old life style.

I was wondering how difficult it became now for the people to get back to old life style after being used to the technological world survival. There were days were people had to wait in the queue system to withdraw money from banks and all the expenditure was done through cash system and less of electronic transaction. After getting adapting to the 21st century technological lifestyle, people find it difficult to go back to old pattern of living.It would be always difficult to earn the good name back of all what you have earned and lost it, likewise we find it hard to go back to old pattern of life style after living in a comfort zone of 24/7 ease.

Heb 6-4 says It is impossible for those who have once been enlightened, who have tasted the heavenly gift, who have shared in the Holy Spirit,  who have tasted the goodness of the word of God and the powers of the coming age  and who have fallen away, to be brought back to repentance. It interprets as impossible, but there is nothing impossible with god says in Luke 1:37. To my understanding

 Whilst the aim of the government seems to be good to impasse the black money and corruption, it is inevitable to have a clean country unless we remove the root of the problem which is by accepting Jesus Christ as a personal saviour. There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death- prov14. If at all our moral rights and justice aren’t drawn from the source of absolutes it is impossible to have a clean nation and one good example is - the recent news says that the new currency of 2000 rupees was captured from the terrorist in Jammu and Kashmir during the fight between our soldiers and terrorists.

What causes poverty? Does corruption causes poverty or poverty causes corruption? Peter Eigen the chairman of the Transparency Index council said in 2002 that the country was lead to poverty because of corruptive politicians. As per 2014 corruption free country list which is ranked on the scale of 0(highly corrupt) -100(very clean). Our country is placed in 85th position.

It is highly impossible to lead the nation into justice and aim for the clean country when the politicians, leaders are above the law, they are the one who impose judgement, write the laws, amend it and does everything, and it is the dictatorship rule.

In-order to lead the nation to have a clean and morally good country they need to ask of wisdom from god as Solomon asked - Give me now wisdom and knowledge that I may go out and come in before this people: for who can judge this thy people that is so great?

It is only not the leaders but every citizen of this country to maintain integrity and pay taxes and not as evaders. There is no use of giving tithe regularly and evading taxes to the government for which god is not well pleased.
The Lord’s Coming is Near – Repent, Today is the day of salvation. Our God is always a god of second chance and so on.


Wednesday, May 3, 2017


An old superstition from the east encourages parents to predict their child’s future. Folk wisdom suggests that while the child is still a toddler, the parent should place on a table within the child’s reach, a bottle of wine, some money and a Bible. If the little one walks up to the table and picks up the bible, he will follow a spiritual vocation, possibly the priesthood. If he picks up the bottle of wine then hedonism is in the cards. If he picks up the money, he will probably become a business person or an entrepreneur.

The story is told of a new father, eager to plan for his son’s future who administered the test. He carefully positioned the three objects on the coffee table, watching eagerly what the little boy would do with them. The little guy walked up to the table, surveyed everything and slowly reached out his hand for the bible. Then he paused and picked up the money as well, placing it in the bible, finally he tucked the bible under one arm, took the bottle of wine in the other hand, and toddled off with all three, struggling to maintain his balance. The little boy’s grandfather stood over to the side, silently watching the whole scene unfold. When he saw the dismay on his own son’s face, he said, this is bad news. He is going to become a politician. We chuckle at a story like this because we tend to be quite skeptical about the men and women who inhabit the world of Politics. – (extracted from RZIM)

But what made our thinking to doubt about the politician, is political a Bad Job or God is not pleased with it? The present condition of our country is very bad as everywhere you see corruption, insecurity, injustice. The transparency indexing council chairman once said the country leads to poverty because of corrupt politician and they are above the law. The citizens of the country also play a trivial part of the corruption which enables the politician to enjoy lavish lifestyle while the rest are going to bed every day hungry. If at all a citizen come and raise their voice against the corrupt government he shall go disappear sooner or later.

Paul writes to Romans in 13th chapter - Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. God perhaps allow certain things to happen in our life, society, country according to his purpose. It is in his ultimate will to make things let happen. My view is that a Christian can get involved in political activities or play a role to bring a reformation in society, but pragmatically it is going to be a tougher task to handle in the current society without compromise. The world says every good product comes with expensive price. If one wants to lead a life pleasing to god it takes complete surrender and sacrifice without expectations and ready to take the loss as profit. 

Monday, March 13, 2017

Silence OR Peace

I hear often people says that whenever they enter the religious place a church, temple or a mosque they feel peace in their hearts and if you get deep under for the real hunger of search for the truth, one’s heart would answer that it is not the peace, it is the silence which they observe and felt. I would always answer them it is not the peace they feel or witnessing, it is the absence of sound which stimulates their feelings and temperaments based on the environmental situation.

You do not need a great philosophical mind to comprehend and quench this hunger. It is really fascinating to know the honest answers only when there is a real hunger for truth. Empirically it is known that only very few has real hunger for truth, this society is looking for immediate remediation rather for a permanent solution which eventually pushes them to hypocritical life and depraved minds.

During a casual conversation with my colleague she said, visiting holy land Israel and Jesus Tomb caused goose bumps at the moment - all they’ve witnessed and experienced is the fading joy which won’t last longer, in fact the society is only after the fading joy and happiness. Peace is not something which fills in your heart through the world ecological system. One would not need to run here and there to find peace, as GOD is omnipresence; his presence is everywhere and can see through all hiding factors where human mind can think of.

He is the only person who can guarantee you peace amidst wherever you’re located and you do not need a building or a historical monuments or renowned religious land or building to pursue after or indulge in solitude. If at all you say a prayer and read through the scriptures you will experience the real peace and Joy and my dear friends you can choose to try this please.

 We fail to see the everlasting joy which Jesus has promised to us – NLT says "I am leaving you with a gift--peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don't be troubled or afraid. Here it says world cannot give that peace and only he HIMSELF can give that and protect from fading.

Someone said PEACE IS NOT THE ABSENCE OF PROBLEM BUT IT IS THE PRESENCE OF GOD amidst troubles.  You will always get either one of the answer on every home you knock in this world that - they had come across problems or living with problems.

These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.

If at all you need peace in this world amidst your problems please read the gospel Book of John and you will find the truth and real joy. The Holy Spirit, who is the comforter, comforts you and guide all through your life.

God Bless!


John14:27 NLT

John16:33 NKJV

Thursday, January 26, 2017

From Jalikatu to Postmodernism

Off late the Jalikattu protest sky rocketed the world attention to turn and see Tamilnadu spirit of oneness for the traditional sport Jalikattu and Peta Ban. Being a Tamilan I support Jalikattu, but why all of a sudden it turned out to be highly sensitive issue when actually it is supposed to be started at the time of Ban by the Supreme Court on 2014. Whilst the ban was uplifted by the state government it was overturned then by the Supreme Court. I truly admire the spirit of oneness for the traditional sport.

Having said it is also painful to see the death of truth in this country and people are pursuing after postmodernism world views. What is postmodernism? Post modernism states that there is no objective right or wrong, in fact, there is no objective standard outside ourselves for measuring anything.

Post-modernist say that each person looks within himself, creating his own explanation, for eg; the reader has the rights to interpret the author thoughts and rob the role of author and interpret in other way around or pretense.

But we do not need a post-modernist pilot. When the flight is flying at 10,000 altitude level as per the instrument reading, but if the pilot goes on saying that am gonna assume or believe the flight is flying at 9,000 altitude, we do not accept that when we are on the side of depending on the truth. Same goes well with the doctor if he didn’t provide the right medicine after verifying the symptoms and says I think this would heal. Everyone has the rights to reinvent the story.

Peta says we should not hurt animals, but the bible says in genesis 9:2,3 I have given all the animals and birds and every moving thing that is alive are given into your hands. God has given the authority to human beings to have dominion over them. Here who decides good and evil, right and wrong, if the Law(political) does, then who wrote it? Where is the absolute?

So it is one’s prerogative to decide and amend the law and rule the country and we are rightly into post modernistic society where we have jettisoned the Truth. You shall know the Truth and the truth shall set you free !

There is only one way which is the Jesus Christ and through him we get the moral standard and eternity. Unless our country is not built upon the moral standard it is impossible to have a clean India, corruption less India, republic country and free society. We are moving from what are rights to what are one’s rights!

We always knew Churchill as the one who hated Gandhi and India. But his words, while speaking against freedom for India are so prophetic..............Sir Winston Churchill...  His argument against granting India freedom...

"Power will go to the hands of rascals, rogues, freebooters; all Indian leaders will be of low calibre & men of straw. They will have sweet tongues & silly hearts. They will fight amongst themselves for power & India will be lost in political squabbles. A day would come when even air & water would be taxed in India."

And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free – John 8:32

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

New Year Promises – Today is the Day of Salvation

I was taught and practiced by parents, neighborhood & people living around elsewhere in my country to make a good resolution every time the New Year dawns. What is so special in the New Year day and what makes that one day so auspicious and not the other days?  It is true that the Christians are the majority who used to celebrate the New Year with utmost importance whilst little other religion does. However it is celebrated widely across the country irrespective of the religion. But we Christian should always ask ourselves for a reason to be considered as the most auspicious day albeit we knew better that, the bible says Today is the day of salvation which explicitly says that every day in a year is the day of salvation. But we Christian must not merely consider what is auspicious but rather to look for expedient and edifying others through our deeds which would eventually glorify god.  It is not wrong to make resolutions and celebrate only on auspicious day, but most of the times we fail to stand on the resolution for longer period or probably it would grow weary as we face trials and tribulations.

So let’s ask god this day to lead us unto HIS will and obey at all times. No Matter whatever promises you choose or the pastor get it from the lord for his people to the congregation it is imperative to know that it always follows with a condition.  Therefore you shall not turn aside to the right hand or to the left. Deu 5:32 and circumcise the foreskin of your heart and be stiff necked no longer. Deut 10:16

For the gift and calling of the god is irrevocable. Rom 11-29. His Will, His Promises, His Love, His compassion… are not changeable. Though we remain unfaithful he is always faithful. So let’s have the same spirit running continually all through our life, as the eyes of the Lord is on us from the beginning of the year to the very end of the year – Deut 11:12.

I came all this way for a reason. Today is the day of salvation. Trust Jesus to save you, Then be sincere as God Knows a pretender (kirk Cameron)

Today is the Day of Salvation- Wishing a Blessed year ahead !