Tuesday, January 24, 2017

New Year Promises – Today is the Day of Salvation

I was taught and practiced by parents, neighborhood & people living around elsewhere in my country to make a good resolution every time the New Year dawns. What is so special in the New Year day and what makes that one day so auspicious and not the other days?  It is true that the Christians are the majority who used to celebrate the New Year with utmost importance whilst little other religion does. However it is celebrated widely across the country irrespective of the religion. But we Christian should always ask ourselves for a reason to be considered as the most auspicious day albeit we knew better that, the bible says Today is the day of salvation which explicitly says that every day in a year is the day of salvation. But we Christian must not merely consider what is auspicious but rather to look for expedient and edifying others through our deeds which would eventually glorify god.  It is not wrong to make resolutions and celebrate only on auspicious day, but most of the times we fail to stand on the resolution for longer period or probably it would grow weary as we face trials and tribulations.

So let’s ask god this day to lead us unto HIS will and obey at all times. No Matter whatever promises you choose or the pastor get it from the lord for his people to the congregation it is imperative to know that it always follows with a condition.  Therefore you shall not turn aside to the right hand or to the left. Deu 5:32 and circumcise the foreskin of your heart and be stiff necked no longer. Deut 10:16

For the gift and calling of the god is irrevocable. Rom 11-29. His Will, His Promises, His Love, His compassion… are not changeable. Though we remain unfaithful he is always faithful. So let’s have the same spirit running continually all through our life, as the eyes of the Lord is on us from the beginning of the year to the very end of the year – Deut 11:12.

I came all this way for a reason. Today is the day of salvation. Trust Jesus to save you, Then be sincere as God Knows a pretender (kirk Cameron)

Today is the Day of Salvation- Wishing a Blessed year ahead !

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