Thursday, January 26, 2017

From Jalikatu to Postmodernism

Off late the Jalikattu protest sky rocketed the world attention to turn and see Tamilnadu spirit of oneness for the traditional sport Jalikattu and Peta Ban. Being a Tamilan I support Jalikattu, but why all of a sudden it turned out to be highly sensitive issue when actually it is supposed to be started at the time of Ban by the Supreme Court on 2014. Whilst the ban was uplifted by the state government it was overturned then by the Supreme Court. I truly admire the spirit of oneness for the traditional sport.

Having said it is also painful to see the death of truth in this country and people are pursuing after postmodernism world views. What is postmodernism? Post modernism states that there is no objective right or wrong, in fact, there is no objective standard outside ourselves for measuring anything.

Post-modernist say that each person looks within himself, creating his own explanation, for eg; the reader has the rights to interpret the author thoughts and rob the role of author and interpret in other way around or pretense.

But we do not need a post-modernist pilot. When the flight is flying at 10,000 altitude level as per the instrument reading, but if the pilot goes on saying that am gonna assume or believe the flight is flying at 9,000 altitude, we do not accept that when we are on the side of depending on the truth. Same goes well with the doctor if he didn’t provide the right medicine after verifying the symptoms and says I think this would heal. Everyone has the rights to reinvent the story.

Peta says we should not hurt animals, but the bible says in genesis 9:2,3 I have given all the animals and birds and every moving thing that is alive are given into your hands. God has given the authority to human beings to have dominion over them. Here who decides good and evil, right and wrong, if the Law(political) does, then who wrote it? Where is the absolute?

So it is one’s prerogative to decide and amend the law and rule the country and we are rightly into post modernistic society where we have jettisoned the Truth. You shall know the Truth and the truth shall set you free !

There is only one way which is the Jesus Christ and through him we get the moral standard and eternity. Unless our country is not built upon the moral standard it is impossible to have a clean India, corruption less India, republic country and free society. We are moving from what are rights to what are one’s rights!

We always knew Churchill as the one who hated Gandhi and India. But his words, while speaking against freedom for India are so prophetic..............Sir Winston Churchill...  His argument against granting India freedom...

"Power will go to the hands of rascals, rogues, freebooters; all Indian leaders will be of low calibre & men of straw. They will have sweet tongues & silly hearts. They will fight amongst themselves for power & India will be lost in political squabbles. A day would come when even air & water would be taxed in India."

And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free – John 8:32

1 comment:

  1. Well Said Mr. Wilson. I agree on your point "We are moving from what are rights to what are one’s rights" and this is the fact which is being incredulous followed and one day it will avert. Also the cognizance of the elders also the reason for it.
