Sunday, September 24, 2017

Physical to Virtual Church:

P2V migrationIf you are an IT engineer or from a computer background then you would certainly know that present IT is moving all its technology to Cloud storage or computing. By use of this technology you may access your data from any part of the world seamlessly. One would not be able to see the data residing location but you could get benefited by accessing it through virtualization. Not only that using virtual machines would help reduce cost and improved efficiency of performance. But what connection does it has with spirituality.

As soon as we think of data, our mind dictates with numbers and alphabets or group of alphabets which forms a sentence/word which in turn referred to be as Data.  The first letter was written by our lord and stored for future reference study which is to obey & follow. Whence the writing began from Clay tablets, basalt slat, papyrus, dried leaves, Palm leaves, leather, and Paper types and eventually emerged to computer system which is basically termed as Virtual.

From medieval period to present generation our world has seen several changes in culture, religion, arts, science, medicine and technology.  The change of shift didn’t happen in one giant step but was a slow evolving progress and eventually landed up either in good or bad shape depending on the first choice made by a group or by an individual. If a person is highly influenced or a rhetoric person then his thoughts and actions are tend to influence others life virtue thus leading to destruction of society and culture which is much obscured to notice upon.

Due to this slow progress shift, it is hard for anyone to change back to the old pattern of living whilst we find the inception flaw. We’ve been carried through our ways of living by the relationship we have with. An old adage says that “Tell me your friend – I will tell you who you are”. But how could one get closer to the lord, or have an intimate relationship with God. 
We read in Malachi chapter -But did He not make them one,
Having a remnant of the Spirit?
And why one?
He seeks godly offspring.
Therefore take heed to your spirit,

The lord made one human being in this world –why? - He could have created billions of souls or even infinite human beings but he wanted to have a holy generation through one man followed with generations after generation and it also equates to have fellowship with every individual, he is a personal GOD who seeks personal intimate relationship with everyone in this world. You can get into relationship by reading and meditating upon the word of god and through prayer as well. But not only that every god’s word is equally referenced to be his flesh or body. As we read in revelation 19 chapters - He was clothed with a robe dipped in blood, and His name is called The Word of God. We don’t stop from here, in order for us to have a good fellowship we need to have a good fellowship with our fellow beings, brotherhood , sisterhood and that’s why he made the church for us to come together and worship his holy name and to have a dialogue both horizontally and vertically. Horizontal is equated to our fellowship in our church and elsewhere and vertically is equated to every individual and  our Lord Saviour Jesus Christ which forms a cross.

But the current Christendom changes the gathering, fellowship virtually. We have
migrated from physical to Virtual world through internet. One should know where to draw a line of resistance and exercise the technology and our limitations. Most people do not go to church nowadays and have a fellowship over the internet, meaning we have started playing the role of god defining what is good and bad or right and wrong, but failed to understand the god’s statues. I see this as a greatest cultural shift, jeopardizing our spiritual life and robbing our souls through the technology. We are living in one of the most counterfeit culture and deceiving times. Let’s get on our knees and understand the word of god.  Walk into church on every Sunday or for any gathering at any time you could, unless you are impotent or locked in a situation where you think or discern it is ordained by God.

For a day in your courts is better than a thousand. I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God.

Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.

No whatsapp, Facebook, YouTube or online streaming would help build a healthy relationship or fellowship rather by physical means.

Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:

Please pray for the migration sweep happening from Physical to Virtual – Amen.

Ref : Psalms 84:10, Heb 10:25, Malachi 2:15 & Mat 7:13

in HIM

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