I really marvel at the greater submission and commitment lay by our missionaries who sacrificed their lives and didn’t consider their life to be of any value and followed the teaching of Paul (god inspired) and Jesus and thus the result was the foundation of first protestant church.
Early CSI, Lutheran churches are laid with much dedication and sacrifice. But present condition swayed all those dedication and made it corrupt. Early Pentecost church had oneness in spirit, god-fearing and was expecting Jesus coming back, (act2) and todays Pentecost church expecting numbers in church, tithes and offerings. Peter and Paul clearly portrays the last days of church condition, that there will be many false teachers IIpet2. And many will follow their depraved conduct and will bring the way of truth into disrepute. In their greed these teachers will exploit you with fabricated stories. But the sad part is people still do not know they are being deceived and even they talk about the same and aware of it too but not knowing they themselves are trapped in. These people could not distinguish between the good bad and their eyes are blinded.
If we walk by spirit we will be able to distinguish the truth and it really takes much courage to follow the narrow way and to hear the voice of lord by casting all arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of god and taking captive of every thought to make it obedient to Christ. IIcor. Most of the people have a vision called television as Leonard says. In this case still not sure how are we able to talk about godly business and interpreting his word. For sure their interpretation goofs up them but they have a license called grace and take it as granted and say will not god speak to us? Will not god hear the sinner’s voice? Will not he answer our prayers? The saddest part is we have a wrong yard stick to measure god’s way. What is your yard stick to measure? Yard stick should be the god of word taking with no compromise. No matter what people or pastors think!
Leonard said: i think one of the serious breakdowns in modern evangelism is this: it has offered us too much for too little. What we do mostly is offer people forgiveness. We need cleansing! There is no true conversion until a man takes up his cross. We don’t actually put people on the cross. Rather we just only take them to cross. Even the servant of god do not have light in them and leading people into dark and the people who follow them says we have a better insight through him and he is preaching awesome and make everyone to think. How sad it is today Christendom love to hear itching sermons and will turn away from truth and aside to myths.
these people are prejudice in thoughts and not ready to accept the truth/scripture which troubles them a lot. who also would speak contrary to this if it is preached in congregation, or anywhere and will say just pray and do not condemn the preachers for they will be forgiven someday day if they confess and repent, of course that is true on other part, but the primary role here is we need to point out that as Paul says in I Tim 4 NIV sketch like this: if you point these things out to the brothers and sisters, you will be a good minister of Christ Jesus, nourished on the truths of faith and of the good teaching that you have followed.