Sunday, May 31, 2020

Head Covering at Churches

Does Woman need to cover their head while Praying or Prophesying ?

This is one of the fascinating question to ponder upon. Most of the West do not cover their heads but the east does? 

Studying the bible can be seen in two perspective as Objective truth and Subjective Truth. 

This is a subject based Topic and can be seen in two context : Cultural Context & Biblical Doctrine context

Cultural context : 

  • In the Roman society if a woman has a long hair that hangs loose or unbound then it is a dishonor for her husband. The action may have suggested sexual availability or implied that she was unmarried. In cultures where head coverings are not a sign of being married, wives could obey this command by wearing some other physical symbol of being married.(wedding ring or chain

  • Roman men sometimes pull the loose folds of their toga over their head while they worshiped Pagan Gods. So Paul emphasis that men should not dishonor Christ by Praying according to Pagan Custom.

  • 11: 14 Here the word nature probably means " your natural sense of what is appropriate from men and Women." Norms of appropriate hair style ( and dress) may vary from culture to culture. Paul's point is that men should look like men in that culture and women should look like women in that culture. People should not deny the God-given differences between the sexes. Any violation of God's standard is SIN.

  • To think of cultural based definition, then cultural relativism invokes here indirectly, in cultural relativism there is no such thing called Absolutes or single point of reference. It is based on each culture belief, behavior, objects, life style etc. and they draw a moral truth based on a particular or individual circumstances. In short, who are right is widely being practiced but ignored what are rights

What does the translation says :

  • Paul begins this argument with the creation of Man & Women purpose. The head of every man is Christ, the head of a wife is her husband and the head of Christ is God.  The term " head" refers to authority and not the physical head.

  • The Greek word " Head" means "source or origin" but in over 50 occurrences of this word in ancient sources, saying that person A is head of person B and person A has authority over person B. here, it is best to understand that Paul refers the " Head" metaphorically as " authority"

  • By saying "authority" it doesn’t mean women is inferior to men. Christ is not inferior to God the Father. Submission does not indicate inferiority, but subordination. Just as Christ and God are equally divine, men and Women are equal beings. But just as Jesus and God the father have different roles in God's Plan of salvation, so men and women are given different roles

Here is what we learned ;

  • Paul words are not merely directed to the cultural situation of his day - see I Cor 11 : 3, 11 -12. because he starts with the creation of Man & Women. He simply didn’t instruct for Woman but began the note whence on Husband & wife relationship.

  • In the Roman society if a woman has a long hair that hangs loose then it is a dishonor for her husband. Only the Woman who is caught in adultery will be allowed to have loose hair as an act of shame or perhaps of mourning. Ref Numb 5:18. Also it is a dishonor before god to have loose hair(unbound) hair - Lev  10:6 & 21:10

  • Shaved hair is dishonor

  • Having a long bound hair is a covering I Cor 11 :15
Loose/free hair = Uncovered
Bind hair = Covered

Also one cannot claim leaving the head uncovered by Shawl or scarf is wrong.

in HIM

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