Principal Theme:
Beginning of Universe and life on Earth are the primary Subjects. It also accounts for the beginning of the SIN, fallen state of the world, the need for a Redeemer and the promise of his Coming
1. Genesis of Universe
2. Genesis of Man
3. Genesis of Taxonomy
4. Genesis of SIN
5. Genesis of Noah Generation
6. Genesis of Dialects
7. Genesis of Faithful Generation (Abraham)
8. Genesis of 12 Tribes
9. Genesis of Prophetical utterance of Jesus Coming
10. Genesis of the Name Israel
Key Notes :
- Genesis is the Foundation/beginning .
- Moses wrote the Bible - (acts 7:22) he was the person who was educated in those days. So it was highly predicted to be written by him.
- Gen 49:10 -11 ( Moses prophesied about Jesus) - Is 9:
- God showed in a vision to Moses - Psalm 103:7 Heb 8:5
- Communication was through pictorial
- Why god made the tree of good & evil?
- He wanted to know whether people would believe in him
- The holy Bible is the only book which depicts about SIN
- Disobedience is SIN
- World view do not define about SIN nor they do acknowledge the SIN
Where did the SIN came from?
- Satan could have come disguised as Serpent -an assumption from BIBLE Scholars ,
- Serpent could have the ability to Walk….
- Demon Possessed Animal.
- He was a fallen angel
Gen 3:
Doubting & Questioning Desire Disobedience Mind - Comes in Mind Heart - comes in heart Body - Physical action
- Serpent brought doubt to Eve at first by asking question - " has god ever asked?"
- Doubt is opposite to faith
- Doubt comes in mind
- She walks away from Adam which made her to get tempted and attractive
- Similarly if he gets away from GOD we would get tempted and attractive
Dialogue, Exaggeration, Attractive
- Eve Started Dialogue with Serpent
- God asked not to eat, but she added "NOT TO TOUCH"
- Satan speaks attractive/tempter
- Wrath of God
- Because of disobedience
- He hates SIN not Sinner
- When GOD asked Eve -" Where are you Eve"
- Response: Am Naked - Justifying rather providing straight answers and acknowledging SIN
- When we know good and bad, we lost ignorance -> so peace left from us…..
- 3 Events impacted GOD:
Cain | Noah |
- Why did LORD accepted Abel offering?
- Offering through Blood
- He accepted Abel
- When Adam Sinned -
- Lord gave the Animal skin for Adam to cover his nakedness - Meaning : there was a sacrifice made through blood by killing " Animal"
- What could have been used to kill the Animal
- Metal - Bronze/Iron
- Objective of using metal is to kill in the beginning ( ref Gen 4:22)
- Up until now, predominantly the metal is used for destroying/killing
- There was a pattern originated by killing Abel
- Good people were not accepted since beginning
- Righteousness was rejected
- Ungodly hates godly
- Music originated from the generation of Cain.
- Jubal - Played Harp & Flute ( ref 4: 22)
- City Originated from the generation of Cain
- City was built by Cain generation ( ref 4:17)
- City culture has everything
- Purpose of building the city is for the glory of Name
- Polygamy
- God was grieved after making man ;
- The saddest scripture in BIBLE (ref; Gen 6:6)
- Eve thought of going alone which caused her to fall into SIN.
- Men & Women are equal but Man is the head of the family.
- English bible depicts the difference of writings -
- Thoughts - Prose
- BTW- God express human love
- Feelings - Poetry
- Btw Humans->Humans
- Consequences of 3rd chapter comes in 4th Chapter
- GOD asked Adam to maintain the Garden in the beginning.
- Because of SIN he was asked to plough the field by toiling
- Eve was given pain for child birth
- Satan was a Reptile
- Later made to crawl
- First SIN made by Adam
- Because of the first man SIN, 2mand killed 3rd Man
- Ripple effects of SIN, continual process
- God selected the second child -insignificant
- Pleasing life to god - God likes this prayer.
- 250 Names - Jehovah
- Chapter was divided by Stefanas
- Arch bishop
- He made known HIS Ways - Ps 103:7 -- in tamil (Theriyapaninaar)
- Lord God & GOD
- God himself name as "Lord"
- Personal GOD
in HIM
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