Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Thoughts keep changing

There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death. Prov - 14:12

We know that how we thought in our childhood is no more the way we think now, and from teen to adolescent and from adolescent to middle age and from middle age to old age, it differs from every period and each interval has change in thoughts, action, living etc. Not only that it is fascinating to ponder what we think of or what we admire of may change the very next day or a week after or a month after. The thoughts and actions are dynamic and it is not constant, it functions based on ones matured level or understanding facts, or education. All these play a vital role in redefining their thoughts and actions. We learn from our history, experiences and education. Based on these we draw our redefining thoughts and actions or lead our life and set our ambitions too, however it is imperative to lead our life based on the absolutes whence we get all the source or triggering point, In other words a way which leads to eternity or life which cannot be seen in the present days but certainly in the future. We walk by faith and not by sight.

why thoughts and opinions differs - because of our exponential growth in maturity and dynamic cultural influences, however it is very imperative to understand that it always has a direct impact with the absolutes standard, if not the life is built of moral standard which is the absolutes we would go in our own opinions and could not focus on the destiny of our life and leads to conflict/death.

Apparently I have seen that mostly Indians have passions/ambitions based on the parental influence or by society. However very few would continue to strive to achieve their goal and most lost in the middle and end up living a life which suits or fit them as the life goes on. I had a passion of working in an automobile industry but I didn’t strive to achieve it, because many ideas swept before me through my friends, elders, colleagues and relatives. I was tossed up here and there with many ideas and eventually ended up in an IT field as it helped earning an adequate amount of money to lead a descent life in this Indian society whilst there are other areas too.

If we do not set our minds on the one who called and build our moral foundation based on the absolutes we would end up in a conflicting world view and that is what the world is going on now. Everyone live up in their own way and reasoning with their own opinions, not knowing that it would end up in a holocaust. You know the current world is in the hands of younger generation which is very promising as well as danger too, because the present world view is running into post-modernism world view which means each own redefine their own and other thoughts and everyone plays a role of God defining what is good and bad, right and wrong.  We do not want a post-modernist surgeon or a pilot but needed a post modernism world in all other aspects.

 It is time for the Christians to seek the kingdom of god first, and then everything shall be added unto you and to set our minds on the things above and not on earth. Time to feed and nurture our children’s in godly way and to raise them in the biblically standard. The author and finisher of our faith who would make us to lead a life of perfection by sanctifying every day and ultimately we would please him in every aspect and see a peaceful world. If not the world will soon run into a conflict and the destiny is a chaos.

The world is getting changed but not the Gospel.

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