Monday, October 10, 2016

small sin BIG SIN

Gone were the days were people really afraid of sinning and now we are in an age to justify our SINS, Mistakes etc, whatever we does, we always come up with some sort of justification. Apparently to me, I’ve experienced it is easy for us to come up with justification. We really don’t immediately admit our mistakes, sins and ask for forgiveness or pardoning to our fellow brothers, colleagues, friends and parents. Hmm, what sort of justification usually would we come up with to convince ourselves is, by measuring the SINS as small and Big.  Off late, a loving brother asked me to interpret the difference between SINS which is leading to death and which are not; written by John in first epistle 5th chapter.

Actually it is wrong to interpret the word of god verse by verse, rather comprehend it by the whole context. Well, the bible does say that all unrighteousness is SIN which means whatever is unrighteousness, disobedience, displeasing to HIM, not praying and so on. It goes on and on and for me it seems no boundary to write in words. Yet the Holy Spirit will convict you for all the SINS which are committed against HIM. Here the verse in I john5th chapter says about the SIN which is leading to death and which are not – it refers two things – 1: Physical Death 2: talks about the time frame or the choice we make to choose our life/death. There are SINS which will take you to precipitous death and there are SINS which will not take you immediately to the end.

In another context, Paul writes to timothy that there are some SINS which are clearly evident, preceding them to judgment but those of some follow later. Here it talks about the time and action we choose to death. It is obvious and explained clearly that Man is destined to die once and then comes the judgment so it clearly tells us that the judgment comes after the death, so it refers to physical death. So by understanding the whole context the SINS which are committed outside the precipitous boundary line of death which will cause to give adequate time frame to get back to god for forgiveness and there are some which wouldn’t allow you to choose for second opinion after you make your choice although Jesus Christ forgives all our SINS. On the whole SIN is SIN

The Ten Commandments does talks about the SINS and Jesus packed all those into two commandments in New Testament.  So dear brother there is no SMALL SIN or BIG SIN, all are SINS, but there are SINS which will take you to immediate death. So take heed to the word of GOD and obey immediately to get rid of all SINS as Today is the day of Salvation and do hear his voice today. Have an intimate relationship with our loving Father, the saviour Jesus Christ.  Amen!

Wilson Praveen
For more info-
I john 5:16 &17
I timothy 5: 16
Hebrew 9: 27
Exodus 20
Hebrew 3:7 & Psalms 95: 7-11

Friday, August 26, 2016


 A Cult and contrary to Biblical principles

It is daunting for me to understand the need of practising yoga as a mandate subject in schools when there are so many other prioritized necessities for the government to look upon. It seems central government has passed the notification to schools across all Indian states to teach and practice yoga as part of their education subject. To grapple with yoga is something to ponder upon especially for Christians and Muslims.

 My dear brother and sisters, I do not want you to be ignorant like others,  Paul warned us in several texts in new testament Roman11:25, ICorin 12:1, he is just exhorting us to be wise and ask god for wisdom in all aspects

How many of you know that Yoga is originated in ancient India from Hinduism and thereby spreads to Buddhism and Jainism. It is a group of physical, mental and spiritual practices. There are many forms of yoga which am not interested to pen here, however the word yoga means to “ TO unite, TO join, TO attach” . (Unite with Whom? Who is the person are they relating to?)According to Jacobsen, "
Yoga has five principal meanings:
Yoga, as a disciplined method for attaining a goal; -  what goal?
Yoga, as techniques of controlling the body and the mind; - who controls our body and mind?
Yoga, as a name of one of the schools or systems of philosophy (darśana);
Yoga, in connection with other words, such as "hatha-, mantra-, and laya-," referring to traditions specialising in particular techniques of yoga;
Yoga, as the goal of Yoga practice."

In Hinduism these include Jnana Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Karma Yoga, Laya Yoga and Hatha Yoga. Derived from the Sanskrit word yuj -Yoga means union of the individual consciousness or soul with the Universal Consciousness or Spirit. (Which spirit)

In generic, Yoga is just emptying our mind and attaining some calmness which they call it as inner peace or salvation and there is much other yoga too which is being studied and said to declare for physical fitness, mental free and stress relief.  Having said all these are contrary to our biblical teaching, the bible says us to “MEDITATE UPON THE WORD OF GOD DAY AND NIGHT” but yoga says to empty our mind and attain nirvana or some calmness or getting some supernatural essence or power in our life which is meaningless. Ravi (RZIM) says “what you believe in your heart must make sense in your mind”.  If they claim yoga is good for fitness and healthy life, why call it as Yoga and not a Workout or an Exercise.

Why would there be an immediate necessity to pass this law to all schools as a concern or welfare of the people when it is less important than other precipitous necessities. Winston Churchill said the actual freedom is internal and not external. So I presume the present government is carefully strategizing the internal freedom thus jeopardizing the root of our fundamental doctrines which the Christendom can fail to understand and compromise the faith. We always understand and compare with the knowledge we acquired but it is very imperative to measure them through the Truth the word of GOD.

I think the present rulers of India are very prudent in implementing their strategy of inserting their belief system to whole country. It is imperative for us to expose those hidden ideas and bring forth into light by opposing to such laws through prayer and our systematic wise approach through the guidance of our LORD. There are number of Christian organization has come forward and with the parents duly signed copy of opposition have sent to the government through the school department head. Even Muslim brothers are opposing it vehemently. Let’s keep praying continually.
He gives Wisdom to the Wise and knowledge to the understanding – Daniel 2:21


Saturday, July 23, 2016

Uniform Civil Code

Uniform civil code is the proposal to replace the personal laws based on the scriptures and customs of each major religious community in India with a common set governing every citizen. These laws are distinguished from public law and cover marriage, divorce, inheritance, adoption and maintenance.

Am not sure how many would have known that the Indian penal code was written by British First Law Commission, chaired by Thomas Babington Macaulay in 1835. He wanted to bring the reformation in Indian society by having English as the medium of language and not the Sanskrit & Persian.  And we all know that the Civil law talks about the rights of human freedom, political freedom, rights to practice religion etc.. William Carey the Father of modern mission spends his complete lifetime for the reform of the Indian society which is built upon the foundation of God. He saw whole India into darkness and to bring all into light, he established the first university in India at serampore, called Serampore University besides his gospel work. I could never ever imagine a world of technologies, sciences, politics, arts, and medicine would be emerged if there is no BIBLE would have printed at the first place.

Do you know that BIBLE is the book which made the medieval period to come up with technologies, medicine, arts & science, politics, philosophy etc.. when the missionaries finds humans are used as forced labour to do one’s own mundane task, they brought the light to human beings that all human beings are equal in society, has the rights to talk, walk, freedom to practice what they want, as it is solidly built on absolutes. So to abolish forced human labour the bible made them to think and come up the first mechanical technology of introducing water wheel. Because in medieval times the poor’s are oppressed and were made to forcefully carry water for the rich and serve them. No world wants to highlight that bible is the book which enabled the people to think and come out of bondage.

If there is no missionary and gospel our world would be still in darkness with uncivilized culture. But check where our India is heading ahead now, it doesn’t wants to follow on absolutes and it is moving fast into a relativistic precipitous culture where everyone wants do according to their prerogatives. There are no moral codes; instead our Indian government wants to bring UNIFORM CIVIL CODE where it is assumed to bring equal laws to all Indian people. I think the government is trying to build a country based on Hinduism (pantheism) moral principle because a country cannot be built on uniformity without the absolutes. Truth can be one only and it cannot be two or more. When opinion differs from people to people, how do we draw to standard opinions or to moral opinions, so eventually we have to end up in absolutes, else it would be a tyranny ruled. Uniform in diversity is good, yet we couldn’t bend ourselves for other religious values. Though Uniform civil code is seemingly good, I think we need to spend more time and find out how it will affect the Christian values. Because without the absolutes, how could one would set a uniformity standard?

Only we Christians can understand the consequences of Uniform civil codes and I urge all our fellow believers to pray for these new law and its impending consequences, am not sure how it is going to affect Christians yet it is time for us to pray and ask god wisdom and guidance to turn the plan of our Indian government according to HIS will. The king’s heart is in the hand of the Lord, like the rivers of water; He turns it wherever He wishes – Proverbs 21:1.

Revelation 13: 7 -8 & 16-18 ~it was granted to him to make war with the saints and to overcome them. And authority was given him over every tribe, tongue, and nation.

He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666 (NKJV)


Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Thoughts keep changing

There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death. Prov - 14:12

We know that how we thought in our childhood is no more the way we think now, and from teen to adolescent and from adolescent to middle age and from middle age to old age, it differs from every period and each interval has change in thoughts, action, living etc. Not only that it is fascinating to ponder what we think of or what we admire of may change the very next day or a week after or a month after. The thoughts and actions are dynamic and it is not constant, it functions based on ones matured level or understanding facts, or education. All these play a vital role in redefining their thoughts and actions. We learn from our history, experiences and education. Based on these we draw our redefining thoughts and actions or lead our life and set our ambitions too, however it is imperative to lead our life based on the absolutes whence we get all the source or triggering point, In other words a way which leads to eternity or life which cannot be seen in the present days but certainly in the future. We walk by faith and not by sight.

why thoughts and opinions differs - because of our exponential growth in maturity and dynamic cultural influences, however it is very imperative to understand that it always has a direct impact with the absolutes standard, if not the life is built of moral standard which is the absolutes we would go in our own opinions and could not focus on the destiny of our life and leads to conflict/death.

Apparently I have seen that mostly Indians have passions/ambitions based on the parental influence or by society. However very few would continue to strive to achieve their goal and most lost in the middle and end up living a life which suits or fit them as the life goes on. I had a passion of working in an automobile industry but I didn’t strive to achieve it, because many ideas swept before me through my friends, elders, colleagues and relatives. I was tossed up here and there with many ideas and eventually ended up in an IT field as it helped earning an adequate amount of money to lead a descent life in this Indian society whilst there are other areas too.

If we do not set our minds on the one who called and build our moral foundation based on the absolutes we would end up in a conflicting world view and that is what the world is going on now. Everyone live up in their own way and reasoning with their own opinions, not knowing that it would end up in a holocaust. You know the current world is in the hands of younger generation which is very promising as well as danger too, because the present world view is running into post-modernism world view which means each own redefine their own and other thoughts and everyone plays a role of God defining what is good and bad, right and wrong.  We do not want a post-modernist surgeon or a pilot but needed a post modernism world in all other aspects.

 It is time for the Christians to seek the kingdom of god first, and then everything shall be added unto you and to set our minds on the things above and not on earth. Time to feed and nurture our children’s in godly way and to raise them in the biblically standard. The author and finisher of our faith who would make us to lead a life of perfection by sanctifying every day and ultimately we would please him in every aspect and see a peaceful world. If not the world will soon run into a conflict and the destiny is a chaos.

The world is getting changed but not the Gospel.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Falling in love

Off late when I done with a meeting at Hyderabad, couple of young guys surrounded me with questions/counselling on love. One of them is doing 3rd year B.Tech and in love with a girl and wanted me to pray for their love to get succeed in marriage. I asked him if god asks you to leave will you leave the girl and the response was a BIG NO, added he said she is also a Christian.

The problem with us is, we ask questions with a prejudice moral standard according to each one’s opinion. We don’t actually touch the root of the problem. We draw a circle and wanted god to come into that. We do not want to fall into god’s moral principle which is the word of god. We take scriptures according to our convenience and understand it from the excerpts and not by the whole context of the bible.

Why don’t we fall in love with an amputee men/women or a peculiar physical appearance men/women.  Scholars, Psychologist says 57% of men, 45% of women — said that they are less attracted to their partner when they don’t take care of their appearance. Here the world always pays attention to their physical appearance and most of the women are gets attracted to Men sense of humor, character and intelligence rather than the physical statures & attires. Beauty is vain but a woman that fears the lord shall be praised says Solomon in proverbs.

One may ask is it wrong to fall in love with a beautiful girl or a boy, well god has designed each one of us beautiful in his own ways in uniqueness. We would get attracted to the opposite sex especially when it is beautiful, and of course it is very imperative to understand that he has given the sense to discern the good & bad, beautiful & ugly etc... So when we see some beautiful creations in this world we admire them and exalt the beauty and splendour of the lord creation. However seeking to own all the beautiful things we observe for own possession is something to ponder upon. The NIV translation says I have the right to do anything," you say--but not everything is beneficial. "I have the right to do anything"--but not everything is constructive.

Having said the above, falling in love with a person is to get united with them for a lifelong relationship/commitment and it shouldn’t be based only on the physical statures alone. If we quickly set our mind by our immediate attraction and makes a decision to marry her/him then soon we would end up breaking our life at the mid-air as the beauty would fade away. Only the character last longer which can be seen or get only through the demonstration or understanding of God’s love. Because No love is greater than god’s Love and it is very imperative to draw our line from it.

 Paul quotes to Corinthians people - But now indeed there are many members, yet one body. And the eye cannot say to the hand, “I have no need of you”; nor again the head to the feet, “I have no need of you.” No, much rather, those members of the body which seem to be weaker are necessary. And those members of the body which we think to be less honorable, on these we bestow greater honor; and our unpresentable parts have greater modesty, but our presentable parts have no need. But God composed the body, having given greater honor to that part which lacks it, that there should be no schism in the body, but that the members should have the same care for one another.  And if one member suffers, all the members suffer with it; or if one member is honored, all the members rejoice with it. Now we are the body of Christ and he is the Head of all.

So how a love is defined or can be measured? I believe the only the way love can be defined is through the cross where he died for us and rose again on the 3rd day; from there the love takes the precedence and grows in human beings. For god so love the world that he gave his one and only son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish, but have everlasting life and it didn’t stop from there, it goes on saying from the books of romans, For scarcely for a righteous man will one die; yet perhaps for a good man someone would even dare to die.  But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

Of course everyone has the rights to choose their own partner, so when we choose our partner these are the questions we should ask for;

o   Is he/she meeting my spiritual standard
o   Is he/she meeting my education
o   Is he/she meeting my society/cultural realm
o   As a last resort we can look for the physical appearance and of course it do matter’s and not to be ignored totally.

Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness? You cannot tie a donkey and an ox together to plough the field as both will try to go in different directions.

Marriage is a sacred commitment before god, one should handle it very sincerely as it is very vulnerable.

Get your acceptance from your parents and move on. Be Blessed

In his service,
Please write your feedbacks @

Prov31:30,John3:16,I cor 10:23,Rom 5:7-9,I Cor 12: 21-25,IICor 6: 14

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Is divorcing biblically correct?

Answer is No:  ( caution: The Bible should be interpreted on the whole context and not by excerpt)
Jesus said “Moses permitted you to divorce your wives because your hearts were hard. But it was not this way from the beginning. It can be understood impeccably if we would have read the bible on the whole context. when they ask Jesus: Teacher, which is the great commandment in the law? And he said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment.  And a second is like it, you shall love your neighbor as yourself.  On these two commandments depend all the law and the prophets.”

So paraphrasing the above passage, one cannot serve Christ or love if he divorces his wife/husband for the sake of adultery, whilst it has been said in Matthew 5:32 because of immorality/sexual impurity. Yet one has to understood the above said passage and we also read in Hosea, where the lord ask Hosea to marry a prostitute and he questioned back the lord about marrying a prostitute and the society impending questions, the lord’s response was - didn’t I forgive your sins and accepted you back. Even Jeremiah goes on saying the same in 3rd chapter. Though you’ve lived as a prostitute would you now return to me?

But if you are divorcing him/her then you cause them to be the victim of prostitution when they get married to another, furthermore it can be said that there is no genuine love in the person who divorces.

 If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that?  And if you greet only your own people, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that. Bless those who curse you and love your enemies. Think of then, how much more you should love your spouse when we are to love our enemies too.

Having said the above if you are really living a Christ centered life you will start loving even the prostitutes, in old testament one would fall under the transgression of law only when he commits adultery physically but in new testament the bar/standard is raised as he would be the victim of sin when he/she lust after it, so no human knows what is loitering in human hearts, however the lord knew it. Yet his hand is stretched and asking us to repent and come for reconciliation and never sin any more. So we come to his throne by grace and not by our works.

Furthermore it is also said that we need to give account of each and every single word spoken against men, so remember your wedding vows that you committed to love your spouse under all circumstances ( does not exclude anything and it is unconditional though)

So, even if you find your spouse defiled, do not divorce him/her or forsake, but love them with all of your heart, so that the lord would help to bring the soul back to reconciliation.

Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate.

I believe that I have the spirit of God - Amen.

Ref Chapters:
Matthew 5 & 19
Hosea 1.
Jeremiah 3.
I Corinth 7