Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Festival of Lights

The month of November is called as festival of Lights where people celebrate the Diwali (eradication of evil/darkness –victory over darkness by the death of Naragasuran as claimed by Hindus).  But Jesus said “am the light of the world”.  I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness. We have the habit of wishing our friends a Happy Diwali, Aayudha Pooja or Happy Pooja & etc… if ever so, have we ever pondered on “what does that make sense to you and them”. “What you believe in your heart must make sense in your mind” – RZIM. Similarly what we talk/communicate should also make sense in our mind too. Being a Christian is to follow the rules and conditions laid to us through the New Testament commandments which is being obeyed out of our free will.
Have we ever laid a thought on the hidden celebration that we do in the society in harmony with other religious people, failing to understand the hidden impact which would begin to manifest visibly in later period of time leading to a longer problems. Eventually this little choice we make, would alter the community of Christian ethos. We always forget to pay attention to the trivial things that the Christian should avoid. Albeit we were once sojourners alienated from a Hinduism culture to a Judea-Christian world view, some virtues by nature aren’t transformed to the expectation of the Christian life which are ought to.  Starting from Birth to death we are made ought or by virtue to follow the traditions accustomed in society. But we fail to forsake from the customs which are drawn from Hinduism leading to evil end. But we were mingled among the heathen, and learned their works –Psalmist, Hosea says Ephraim, he hath mixed himself among the people.
Paul writes to Corinthians that be you not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship has righteousness with unrighteousness? And what partnership has light with darkness? Isn’t it very important for the Christians to follow the teachings of Bible and to abandon the customs of other traditions? Having said that there are certain inevitable traditions which perhaps needs to be followed as it might not lead to an evil end.  On the contrary our deeds should leave the unbeliever with a question which would eventually make them to think or ponder upon to seek for the truth. Which is why our bible says “Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven”.
You may also ask, then we need to go out of the country as Christians are claimed to be the minority community in this country as most of the traditions are being drawn from non-Christian views, but indeed it is a very must to ponder on I Corinthians 5th chapter for a complete context answers though it is written based on sexual immoral subject, it is worth to be equally interpreted as like this;
“Christians may have to go out of the country as most of the customs are followed here are based out of Hinduism which is inevitable, yet it is a must for Christians to carefully pay attention to the traditions and forsake them which are leading to evil end, false genealogies and endless stories which would ideally empower you to godly edification”. but do not forget to love the other religion people and show them the genuine love whilst we forske their culture -  "Love your neighbour as yourself - Jesus"
I urge our fellow brothers/sisters to stay cautious and shrewd while greeting their festival seasons rather ask god for wisdom to slip away from the situations to be greeted. If we are concerned/loving about our people who live in darkness unbeknownst, then every time you wish them you are indirectly renouncing the Christian faith and encouraging them to follow the darkness.

In his service


John 8:12, John 12:46, Matthew 5:16, Psalms 106:35, Hosea 7:8, II cor 6:14 & I Cor 5.

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