Saturday, February 13, 2021

Christian Psychology

It is indeed true and known factor that every human being is different in virtues. Most often we judge people based on deeds. A short temper person may instantly get angry by seeing injustice or ordinary personal problems, but we may fail to notice the same person good habits on the other hand. What you see may always not be true, which is why Moses had given the law in old testament to testify the truth with 3 witnesses.

It is important for us to know that God has designed us with unique characteristics for each single individual in this world. Does that mean god has given us bad temperaments? Being born with natural temperaments is SIN? We all know that SIN entered through Adam & Eve and we are not held responsible, yet God took that responsibility and died for us. so, what’s in It for me to know here in this article is to understand that using our individual temperaments we need to shine for GOD.

There are four type of temperaments in this world, in which the whole human characteristics is built on which are Sanguine, Choleric, Melancholy & Phlegmatic. God has beautifully designed us within these four temperament frameworks, and it was psychologically proved in science as well. Every people will have one temperament as a primary and the other as a secondary.

Below is the table which depicts the instinct virtue of a temperaments, an eye cannot say to Nose that I’m in no need of you and similarly each body parts of human being plays a unique role. So, you can learn from the below temperaments and try to allow god to strengthen your weakness. Holy spirit can transform any person to be a successful person. You may try to fit in or find your temperaments based on the below table and submit unto god for change.

God changed the arrogant, angry Paul to tender. God changed the angry Moses to plead for people Sin. Similarly, each biblical character has their own weakness, yet we need to learn from them how they turned their weakness to strength or overcame their weakness. You can try and search many more biblical characters in the bible based on the above temperaments and for sure you will find some interesting thing to learn. It cannot be written in one article, but by being transformed day by day in reading the bible will yield results and change of nature in life.

God Bless.

