Sunday, December 23, 2018

The Pride

Thomas Aquinas - In order to overcome their pride, god punishes certain people by allowing them to fall into the sins of flesh, which even though in actuality before god they are less grievous but in human terms it is more shameful, from this indeed the gravity of pride is made manifest , for just as a wise physician in order to cure the disease allows the patient to contract on lesser one that is less dangerous, so is the sin of pride shown to be more grievous by the very fact that has a remedy god allows some people fall into lesser sins in order to waken them to the deeper sin of pride.

Judge not, that you be not judged.” Matthew 7:1

Once there lived a Father and Son , who had a lovely horse and one day the horse ran away into the jungle. Having noticed this a neighbor who lived by his house side, said to this Father, isn't it a bad luck that your lovely horse ran away from your home. The man replied " Who knows - Let's wait & See".

After some days the horse came back home with 7 other wild horses and the neighbor who watched this came again and said " it’s a good luck" that you have now 8 horses. The Man replied" who knows - Let's wait & see".

Few days later one of the 7 wild horses kicked his son and broke his leg. The neighbor again came and said isn't it a very bad luck that your son got severe injury because of this wild horse. The man replied" who knows- Let's wait & see".

As the days rolled on, the government passed a decree to the citizens of that country to have the young men join the army mandatory from each home. All the citizens were worried because of this law as they would have to live away from their sons. Then the military guards came visiting of each home to pick the able bodied young men. When they visited this fathers home they left his son because of his broken leg. The neighbor who watched this came and said it’s a very good luck to you as you have the privilege of living with your son when the whole country lose their loved ones. The man replied " who knows- Let's wait & See".

From this story what we could comprehend is, with one episode you cannot conclude the end of life and we need to wait for the story to complete. Similarly I see many in this world are worried about the series of WHY Questions albeit we have answers - (answers shall be covered in next title)
  • Why god created this world?
  • why God allow evil to exist in this world?
  • Why God didn’t stop killing each one against each?
  • Why God wanted HIM to worship ? Etc… and Many more with the continuing list of why questions-

Rather if we believe in the GOD who called us and live faithfully as per his oracles , we would see the climax of this human race and universe and that day it is no doubt that we would rejoice with the savior for ever and ever worshiping him all the time.

Be kind and slow to judge Your faithful servant,
    for compared to You, no one is truly just - Ps 143
And if you judge the Law, you are not a practitioner of the Law, but a judge of it - James 4 : 11

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Lesbian & GAY - SIN ???

LGBT - Off late our Indian supreme court declared a verdict to exercise the freedom of choosing their same sex partner irrespective of the natural behaviors of each culture. India is a country with multi linguistic culture.   What is a culture?- A culture is a characteristics and knowledge of a particular group of people, encompassing language, religion, cuisine, social habits, music and arts etc.. Culture could be based on shared ethnicity, gender, customs, values, or even objects. ... Some cultures place significant value in things such as ceremonial artifacts, jewelry, or even clothing. For example, Christmas trees can be considered ceremonial or cultural objects. For some it refers to an appreciation of good literature, music, art, and food. ... Tylor said that culture is "that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, law, morals, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society." The Merriam dictionary states the definition of culture into various factors and I have taken here the predominant one - "the customary beliefs, social forms, and material traits of a racial, religious, or social group". 

The prominent support groups for the LGBT are human rights and civil rights.

For Christendom Lesbian, Gays are considered to be a sinful act and whence the Holy Bible ease us to define the moral values written by godly men inspired through the holy spirit of various authors pointing to one GOD with unchanging reference which is otherwise called as "Absolutes".

Likewise each religion has their book which defines the moral values and now the country is full of chaos to decide who is right? We are deviated in defining the values from what are rights to what are ones rights? Meaning now everyone started to play the role of GOD, defining their good and bad and thus the country legal laws are getting amended by this characteristics and knowledge and there is no unchangeable reference to have it as foundation. The soil which holds the root is forgotten and tree is made to posit to grow without soil. It is extremely dangerous if we allow this situation to grow and we would definitely end up in much of chaos and eventually a greater conflict will arise in the society leading to a world war III. Then we would in need of a savior to save this war.

The imperative thing to know is how do you answer to this secular world out of the context of bible by logical answers that LG is a SIN - in the above context I quoted the definition of culture where racial is one of the attributes of culture. For a Christian culture sex is considered to be a sacred one- in this world we see different group of people like, Black, white, brown, wheatish etc.. -  if you call any people as black or white is consider to be criticizing their ethnic , values and denying their existence. Any violation of race is disloyal and considered to be the criminal offence.

Likewise if we see through the same lens of angle, for a Christian sex is considered to be a sacred one with men and women, but if you violate the sacredness of men & Women to Men & Men then it is an offence. So you are violating a specific group of ethnic values, morals and belief system. So their system is banished.

It is failed to understand that if we allow the LG to exercise then this world will not see the multiplication of generation. This Generation is digging their grave- Lets pray for the revival to change the generation for true repentance and raise a holy generation to praise HIM alone.

Time to step on our knees more! Amen God Bless !!!!

Romans 1st, Genesis 1& 2 chapter and John 1:13 can be taken as the source of reference-
Children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband’s will, but born of God.
Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.

Wilson Praveen
Chennai -

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Chaos - Caveat

If we fell sick we consult the doctor for healing, for fixing a damaged car, we go to mechanic, to build a home we need a civil engineer / Masonry. The world had derived solution for every problems and needs for human being. Eventually the solution is benefiting the human purpose and survival.So whenever we look for solution of human problems we approach the respective domain expert or a consultant who is accredited with the worldly standards derived by human beings. 

If you carefully observe the world, it is currently wrestling with the justice and moral rights which quench all our human longings. But the longing of heart is failed to address or ignored which is indeed rejecting the truth. The world like to solve only the physical problems but not the spiritual, of course the physical is connected with spiritual. Only if the spiritual is addressed /solved then by default the physical needs of human beings will be met/solved. When we say spiritual what it is about? Who can define the spiritual/spirit definition? When we say spirit or spiritual then religion comes to every mind, if so which religion attempts to solve this problem and also have a good definition.

I always have an interaction with my fellow colleagues in office, friends & relatives about philosophy and religion. The fascinating thing which I have witnessed is, those people do not have logical correspondence and coherence to the subject. It is hard for people to comprehend this subject and everyone define their own good and bad moral standards. I always question a person who is right? Are we talking about one’s rights or what is right which is common for all? The answer will be either or that but no defined black and white definition to phrase it. The society is puzzled with many issues and problems and people running from west to east and vice versa or in all directions for the solution. Finally we would end up in getting a temporary solution, in which people are satisfied, perhaps I believe they don't think deeper or take much burden to quench the real thirst of heart which would continue to grow ever and make us weary.

So what is happening in society is every one started to derive their own good and bad in all domains – medicine, science, law, politics, technology, arts and nature. For which the technology eases people a lot or influencing a whole lot. Social networking is inundated with tons of information and knowledge. I have seen many whatsapp, YouTube videos promoting, explaining what to eat, what not to eat, how to live, how not to live, how to study, how not to study and the list prolongs.. Now the society is full of confusion and hard to take heed of correct judgmental things. As the bible says in last days there will be much of chaos and people will go running from here and there to know the truth yet they wouldn’t find it. I think and believe we are approaching very fast towards the chaos days and every race in this world will fell apart. The so called fake savior or antichrist will rise in this world to solve all the problems of this world and he will be given the utmost honor and reverence by this world and sooner the world will run into tribulation and famine for Christians. If we are wise enough we can make the right choice to start drawing a line of resistance from today than at the last moment. Time to act like wise virgins who took their lamp along with oil at the beginning itself – Ref Math 25:1-13. Therefore keep watch, because you do not know the day or the hour.

Please remember the cultural change or generation change will not happen over night rather it is followed with days, months, years and decades where one could not easily comprehend unless you have the mind of Christ which is obviously led by the spirit of god. For who in this world can understand the mind of human being rather by his own spirit. Similarly to know the mind of god and end of world you need to arrive to the Calvary for answers and salvation for all.

 It is time for us to act and take heed. Even the elect one will be deceived, so urge our fellow brothers to come to prayer closest by kneeling and meditating more of the scriptures. Technology and worldly pressure will surpass our mind if we don’t do it and everyone will start to play the role of God defining their own justification of good and evil.

Think and act ! God Bless.    

Friday, June 22, 2018


Gone were the days where we are exhorted at churches and taught by our parents to carry the Bible while going to church or any prayer meetings. It looks beautiful in my eyes to see people carrying the  Bible (hard copy) while going to church and I personally loves to carry a Bigger Bible. When I was at my teens and adult stage I love to carry a thin and sleek tiny bible.  However the bottom line is I loved to carry the bible neither a bigger or sleek one. But the current christendom has changed and the bible is packed as one among the tiny applications in our smart phone. A survey conducted in America states that an average users unlocks/tap their phone approx 2500 times per day. I believe indians would be using more than that looking at the social conditions of India.  Below depicts some fascinating statistics ;

Evil was existing from the beginning ever since Adam & Eve sinned and then spread across rapidly across the world. However the exposure was very less, we rarely hear any news/information may be after days, Months, years and even decades and some not even got exposed at all. But due to the exponential growth of Technology, Media has taken the highest source of medium to bring the news/information to our eyes and ears. Since the exposure is very high we became anxious and some vulnerable people even may go stressed or offended. Bible says, In the multitude of words sin is not lacking, But he who restrains his lips is wise - Prov 10:19. By looking at the context of this verse, we are very vulnerable to fall apart in SIN by hearing and seeing more information as our social media is inundated with tons of information.

When we do not know where to draw a line of resistance then perhaps the probabilities are way higher to fall into sin - so it is high time for us to exercise the technology by applying and installing the proper security software's to human mind which is none other than self control practiced by the usage of  BIBLE (Hard copy). Because through the  Bible(hard copy) , no other external exhortation or information can pass through or infact there is no medium at all, it is ceased at all sides. But the social media through our smart phone has number of external windows to bring in irrelevant information surpassing the security featured installed in your smart phone and can hurt your mind, soul and Body beyond expectations and our imaginations. 

I have been taught in my missionary trainings how and where to draw a line of resistance in our modern life style. It is very imperative to act on it with immediate effect. It is NOT wrong to use technology but should have been known to set our limits and frequency of usage , in other words if you know/identified your vision and calling then it will help pave the way to set our limits or draw the line of resistance to reach our destiny like Daniel did. He made a firm decision in his life not to get stained with Kings dinner table - From the books of Daniel 1st chapter.

Imagine a BIBLE  is novated in the place of Smart phone, the maturity we have attained would be way higher and can effectively communicate the GOSPEL by telling and living.

Time to uninstall and install the right package -