Monday, October 10, 2016

small sin BIG SIN

Gone were the days were people really afraid of sinning and now we are in an age to justify our SINS, Mistakes etc, whatever we does, we always come up with some sort of justification. Apparently to me, I’ve experienced it is easy for us to come up with justification. We really don’t immediately admit our mistakes, sins and ask for forgiveness or pardoning to our fellow brothers, colleagues, friends and parents. Hmm, what sort of justification usually would we come up with to convince ourselves is, by measuring the SINS as small and Big.  Off late, a loving brother asked me to interpret the difference between SINS which is leading to death and which are not; written by John in first epistle 5th chapter.

Actually it is wrong to interpret the word of god verse by verse, rather comprehend it by the whole context. Well, the bible does say that all unrighteousness is SIN which means whatever is unrighteousness, disobedience, displeasing to HIM, not praying and so on. It goes on and on and for me it seems no boundary to write in words. Yet the Holy Spirit will convict you for all the SINS which are committed against HIM. Here the verse in I john5th chapter says about the SIN which is leading to death and which are not – it refers two things – 1: Physical Death 2: talks about the time frame or the choice we make to choose our life/death. There are SINS which will take you to precipitous death and there are SINS which will not take you immediately to the end.

In another context, Paul writes to timothy that there are some SINS which are clearly evident, preceding them to judgment but those of some follow later. Here it talks about the time and action we choose to death. It is obvious and explained clearly that Man is destined to die once and then comes the judgment so it clearly tells us that the judgment comes after the death, so it refers to physical death. So by understanding the whole context the SINS which are committed outside the precipitous boundary line of death which will cause to give adequate time frame to get back to god for forgiveness and there are some which wouldn’t allow you to choose for second opinion after you make your choice although Jesus Christ forgives all our SINS. On the whole SIN is SIN

The Ten Commandments does talks about the SINS and Jesus packed all those into two commandments in New Testament.  So dear brother there is no SMALL SIN or BIG SIN, all are SINS, but there are SINS which will take you to immediate death. So take heed to the word of GOD and obey immediately to get rid of all SINS as Today is the day of Salvation and do hear his voice today. Have an intimate relationship with our loving Father, the saviour Jesus Christ.  Amen!

Wilson Praveen
For more info-
I john 5:16 &17
I timothy 5: 16
Hebrew 9: 27
Exodus 20
Hebrew 3:7 & Psalms 95: 7-11