Uniform civil code is
the proposal to replace the personal laws based on the scriptures and customs
of each major religious community in India with a common set governing every
citizen. These laws are distinguished from public law and cover marriage,
divorce, inheritance, adoption and maintenance.
Am not sure how many would have
known that the Indian penal code was written by British First Law Commission,
chaired by Thomas Babington Macaulay in 1835. He wanted to bring the
reformation in Indian society by having English as the medium of language and
not the Sanskrit & Persian. And we
all know that the Civil law talks about the rights of human freedom, political
freedom, rights to practice religion etc.. William Carey the Father of modern
mission spends his complete lifetime for the reform of the Indian society which
is built upon the foundation of God. He saw whole India into darkness and to
bring all into light, he established the first university in India at
serampore, called Serampore University besides his gospel work. I could never
ever imagine a world of technologies, sciences, politics, arts, and medicine
would be emerged if there is no BIBLE would have printed at the first place.
Do you know that BIBLE is the
book which made the medieval period to come up with technologies, medicine,
arts & science, politics, philosophy etc.. when the missionaries finds
humans are used as forced labour to do one’s own mundane task, they brought the
light to human beings that all human beings are equal in society, has the
rights to talk, walk, freedom to practice what they want, as it is solidly
built on absolutes. So to abolish forced human labour the bible made them to
think and come up the first mechanical technology of introducing water wheel.
Because in medieval times the poor’s are oppressed and were made to forcefully
carry water for the rich and serve them. No world wants to highlight that bible
is the book which enabled the people to think and come out of bondage.
If there is no missionary and
gospel our world would be still in darkness with uncivilized culture. But check
where our India is heading ahead now, it doesn’t wants to follow on absolutes
and it is moving fast into a relativistic precipitous culture where everyone
wants do according to their prerogatives. There are no moral codes; instead our
Indian government wants to bring UNIFORM CIVIL CODE where it is assumed to
bring equal laws to all Indian people. I think the government is trying to
build a country based on Hinduism (pantheism) moral principle because a country
cannot be built on uniformity without the absolutes. Truth can be one only and
it cannot be two or more. When opinion differs from people to people, how do we
draw to standard opinions or to moral opinions, so eventually we have to end up
in absolutes, else it would be a tyranny ruled. Uniform in diversity is good,
yet we couldn’t bend ourselves for other religious values. Though Uniform civil
code is seemingly good, I think we need to spend more time and find out how it
will affect the Christian values. Because without the absolutes, how could one
would set a uniformity standard?
Only we Christians can understand
the consequences of Uniform civil codes
and I urge all our fellow believers to pray for these new law and its impending
consequences, am not sure how it is going to affect Christians yet it is time
for us to pray and ask god wisdom and guidance to turn the plan of our Indian
government according to HIS will. The king’s heart is in the hand of the Lord, like
the rivers of water; He turns it wherever He wishes – Proverbs 21:1.
Revelation 13: 7 -8 & 16-18 ~it
was granted to him to make war with the saints and to overcome them. And
authority was given him over every tribe, tongue, and nation.
He causes all, both small and
great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or
on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark
or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him who
has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a
man: His number is 666 (NKJV)
Email: Wilsonpravin@gmail.com