When I crossed II Corinthians 3rd chapter 2nd verse I could not move further upon meditating the below verse
You yourselves are our letter, written on our hearts, known and read by everyone.
No evidence or assurance needed for a true revival in nations if the above mentioned verse is found in a Christian brothers and sisters. Many would have left this verse casually or would have really valued and could have been in the same eminence of what I had got. When we take a deeper dive on this verse it shows the depth of a Christian life values to be and it fulfills the whole bible in Man’s character by adhering to it. The gentiles do not need a bible at the first instance when someone approaches a Christian or the Christians approach a gentile to take the Gospel to them. If we are the sketched bible laws written in us then everyone who can pass over by can read us and understand the love of Jesus Christ. It takes time to read and understand the bible or they would not easily admit to read the verse if we give them a chance but by our living standard can bring them to Christ. Here Paul portrays beautifully in 3rd verse; you show that you are a letter from Christ, the result of our ministry, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts. If you are reading until this line then; do you feel the essence what Paul is trying to make it out. Oh really I marvel at these writings and really longing for such a Christian society in this world.
We see the lord’s answer to Habakkuk in 2nd chapter as well
Write the vision and make it plain on tablets, that he may run who reads it. If Christians are a living Epistle ,in other words if we are a BIBLE of how it portrays God’s standard way of living and the God’s people who followed his ways with implicit obedience then it’s very sure that REVIVAL is going to burst out in each individual society and thereby transforming the whole nations.
Praying for the transformation to burst out which is the need of hour!!!!!!
In his harvest
Wilson. T
Soul Turn Ministries
Email: wilsonpravin@hotmail.com
www.soulturn.com For the gifts and calling of god are irrevocable
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